The "Connect The DotZ" series consists of 3 DVDs produced between 2003 and 2006. Each DVD is centered around a historical personality that changed humanity for the better. The first, "Unum - Out of Many, One" focuses on JFK. The second is this DVD, "Novus - New Order of the Ages" focusing on Tesla. The third, "Star Cycles - the Timeless Wisdom of Pythagoras," focuses on the ancient Greek master, Pythagoras.
As modern science has proven, we
live in a musical universe created by harmonic waves of vibration
and energy that we can tap into at anytime. Humanity has experienced this great resonant energy
as a life force operating everywhere on our amazing planet. It is what most people call God or a higher consciousness. To the physical scientists it is a mysterious, yet everpresent, high frequency of electromagnetic energy, and to the those with religious conviction, it is the holy spirit, or God itself.
We all experience life in many ways. We learn. We grow. We make choices.
Anything is possible. Our creative spirit is boundless and highly
intuitive by nature. We can
get a flash of insight at any moment and there is always more to life
than what meets the eye. The "Connect The DotZ" series celebrates the greatness of humankind that can transcend the mundane and the mediocre to invent and discover.
"Connect The DotZ" is also about tuning into our natural desire to love, instead of
hate. It is about connecting the dots in the past to learn in the
present. It is about understanding the cycles of time, the mystery
of music, and the infinite energy of the cosmos. It is really about
looking to the heavens for the answers. We have always used the stars
above to guide our way here on earth. The scientific, rational mind
with its technological innovation has brought us into the 21st century.
It is time for balance. Art and Science can work together. Following
our creative heart and listening to our own intuition is the NEW
What is the currency of the Universe? What makes the World go Round?
What is our connection to Ancient Civilizations? Why do indigenous
people know so much more than modern man? Can we reverse our "spin"?
Can we reverse our negative momentum? Why is the Sun such an important
key? Why does the sun reverse its cycle every 11 years? Why is 11:11
symbolic of a "doorway."
The "Connect
The DotZ" film series is centered around the themes of HARMONY, FREEDOM and CREATIVITY. It
celebrates the inspiration of great men like President, John F.
Kennedy, the ancient Greek Master, Pythagoras, and the brilliant 19th century inventor, Nikola
Tesla. It champions the human heart to be free of the negative
forces that have tied us to slavery and greed since the beginning
of time. Why
do we do what we do? What can we change? What can we do? The series
has been created as a trilogy of educational DVD
movies to
spark discussion about the mysterious and crazy, yet wonderful, world we live in today.
In America, FREEDOM is our national God (we are free to worship however we choose), and it is IN FREEDOM WE
TRUST, as symbolized in the Great Seal of the United States on the
back of every dollar bill. Surprisingly, the Great Seal represents
a strong connection between the United States and the Ancient Egyptians
who built the pyramids. In addition, the American Eagle closely
resembles the Egyptian Phoenix bird that rose from the ashes of
death and has long represented the eternal cycle of creation (birth,
death, rebirth).
The first 2 film titles come from the Latin phrases on the back of
the American dollar bill. The third film title, "Star Cycles" has to do with Harmony and the ancient Sphinx.
Due to their educational nature, each film is associated with a primary question and call to action for the audience.
- Out of Many, One
focus: 20th
Century America - JFK
Which Side of the Door Are You On?
call to action: Rise Above the Fear
- New Order of the Ages
The World Today - Tesla
question: Can We Make a New Start?"
call to action: Make the Impossible, Possible
- The Timeless Wisdom of Pythagoras,
focus: Math, Music, & Astronomy - Pythagoras
question: How Does It All Work?
call to action: Focus on Harmony not Chaos
relation to the theme of Harmony, the whole series promotes the
between Man and Nature, Humanity and the Universe, and especially,
Freedom, Creativity and Intuition.

(Connect the DotZ logo for NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM)
Tune in to Your Intuition and Trust Your Instincts
"The most brilliant decisions tend to come from the gut. While that observation is not new, it is now backed by a growing body of research from economics, neurology, cognitive psychology, and other fields. What the science suggests is that intuition -- or instinct, or hunch, or "learning without awareness," or whatever you want to call it -- is a real form of knowledge. It may be nonrational, ineffable, and not always easy to get in touch with, but it can process more information on a more sophisticated level than most of us ever dreamed. Psychologists now say that far from being the opposite of effective decision-making, intuition is inseparable from it. Without it we couldn't decide anything at all." Thomas Stewart, Business 2.0
ABOUT THE "New Order of the Ages" Connect the DotZ LOGO
The Connect the DotZ logo for NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, "New Order of the Ages," symbolizes the wisdom of ancient civilizations
(the Aztec Calendar) fusing with the American vision of truth, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness (the "all-seeing-eye"). The
Pythagorean octave in western music also plays a supporting role
as the basis of reality since everything is in a state of vibration
seeking balance...of interest is the classic Greek definition of sacred
geometry as being harmonious music frozen in time.
Of particular importance is the fact that the Aztec calendar is
called a "sun stone" that connected man to his higher
Nature by tracking the prime life giving force of the Sun, the fertility
cycles of the Moon, and the location of Planets and Stars that indicate
when to plant crops for survival... especially
the morning and evening star we know as "Venus." In many
ways, the "sun stone" calendar is an ancient computer
that was used for calculating future cosmic events based on the
celestial cycles observed carefully in the sky: As above, so below.
For more Aztec info go
Not to be left out, there is an even more entertaining play on the
"urban legend" perspective of the "all-seeing-eye"
as Freemasonry symbolism.
curious people, not just conspiracy
theorists, believe the all-seeing-eye
is the symbol of the legendary "Illuminati"
elite who are controlling the world from behind the scenes: The
Freemasons, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission,
The Order of Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, the Rockefellers
and Rothschilds, etc. Some also believe that "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
stands for "NEW WORLD ORDER" and that for
the past 60 years, the
"Illuminati" have planned to use the United States as
the stepping stone to creating a ONE WORLD Corporation-styled Fascist
Government. Kind of like an illuminated modern NAZI order hiding
behind a humanitarian front. While we do not share this belief in an all powerful, modern "NAZI" organization, we do acknowledge that there are extremely negative forces at work using very secret techniques of control and deception. It is simply the way of the lower worlds to have both positive and negative forces at opposite poles (yin-yang) in order to create balance and harmony. Our choice as "VyZ" (improvisational) filmmaker/musician/teachers is to focus on the more positive side of the yin and the yang.

What becomes even more "illuminating" is that the Aztec
Calendar was used to provide insight into
a bit of prophecy mixed with astrology. which the "Illuminati"
subscribe to themselves since they are supposedly experts in
occult magic and numerology.
In any event, the "CONNECT THE DOTZ" logo is a combination
of past and present belief systems that remind us that there really
is a higher order, higher power, higher intelligence to life. We
are unquestionably living in a "New Order of the Ages"
whose currency is shifting from the almighty dollar to the cosmic
energy that powers the Universe. Kind of like coming full circle
in a long astronomical procession of 26,000 years.
many ways, it is a miracle we are still alive and thanks to emerging
technology and scientific breakthroughs, the world is changing faster
every day. While chaos, terrorism, and confusion are on the rise,
amazing discoveries are being made about the universe, our planet,
and the human body, mind and soul.
It is to this very point that we encourage everyone to "CONNECT
THE DOTZ" and discover the higher power of life for themselves.
Orion Constellation
constellation of Orion is used as the logo backdrop for all 3 movies.
The obvious reason is that stars in a constellation provide a story
that teaches, educates and entertains. Specifically, throughout
history, the Orion constellation has been used everywhere around
the world as a great navigational tool for man to travel, to journey
to new places, and to discover new lands. On a more personal note,
Orion's belt is the symbol of "vyZ":
3 individuals shining brighter together as ONE group, one team of
filmmaking musician storytellers. And
then there is the really cool reason for using Orion and that is
the very famous story of the Greek musician storyteller, Orion the
the Bard - the Storyteller
Orion the Bard was loved by all for the stories he sang throughout
the Greek Islands. One day on his way home however, he got caught
by pirates who stole everything he had and threw him into the ocean
to die. Thankfully, before drowning he was saved by a dolphin who
said he would take him home if, in exchange, Orion would sing his
songs all night. So Orion sang his songs all night and he and the
dolphin had such a wonderful time that they never wanted to stop...
and with that they swam on into the heavens so they could enjoy
the night forever. see the full
story here
Orion in Egypt and the U.S.
What is incredibly significant is that the pyramids of Giza in Egypt
and the sacred sites of the Anasazi/Hopi in the Southwest United
States, both mirror the constellation of Orion...not to mention
that both cultures, separated by time and thousands of miles, speak
of Orion as the birthplace of stars and the doorway to the Universe:
our Galaxy, the Milky Way. Check out this website for more info:
Orion Zone.
Modern astronomy has confirmed this to be exactly true. We
live in a galactic ocean called the Milky Way where our solar system
exists on the arm of Orion that is spinning around the center of
a supermassive black hole. see
more here
11:11, JFK and the dollar bill
The timecode, 11:11, is infamous for people reporting some kind
of mystical syncronicity with the Universe when they see these numbers
on a clock. Unlike the Orion doorway to the Universe, however, 11:11
is thought to be a spiritual doorway of change into higher consciousness.
which again connects with the aspiration we have for our movies
quite well.
Another "higher power" association can be made with the
four 1's on the backside of the dollar bill strangely connecting
to JFK. JFK can be thought of as a doorway to a better world if
he had not been killed. Everyone knows that John F. Kennedy was
loved around the world as an agent of positive change...the civil
rights movement, putting a man on the moon, the peace corp, etc.
In 1963, the dollar bill was reissued with
the motto, "In God We Trust."
It was called the Kennedy Assassination Bill
Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas just 2 weeks after the new dollar
bill was released out of the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas...which
also coincidentally occurred on 11/22... for more bizarre info,
check out this 11:11
Why is there a "Z"
in "DotZ"?
The "Z" in the "DotZ" introduces another layer
of connections between Man and the Universe. With our film series,
"Z" most directly, stands for "Zero-Point
Energy (the sea of energy that pervades all space, the ether,
aka ZPE)
...however, there are many other "Z"s that fit quite well
too: "Z as hydrogen," "Z as Redshift," "Z
as vertical axis in the 3d grid," "Z as sound 'phonon'
energy," "The
Z Machine at Sandia Labs," etc. We invite you to search
the web and learn more about "Z" for yourself... "Z"
is what lies at the core of the "Connect the DotZ" series...
it is all about higher energy (see sun
energy) ...there is also a present day spiritual prophet in Minnesota, Harold Klemp, who goes by the nickname, "Z": see Eckankar, the Religion of the Light and Sound of God.
Dynamic Theory of Gravity- Is it True?
World is Here-Sonofusion - Soundwaves create energy.
light yields unusual vibes - Dept. of Energy explores phonons.
Gluon Plasma - Is this Tesla's Ether?
at Brookhaven Labs - Scientific powerhouse... a BIG dot to connect with advanced Tesla magnetics!
(excerpts from the US Treasury website)
The back (reverse) of the one dollar bill is printed in green (this
is why the dollar bill is sometimes called a greenback). It pictures
the word "ONE" flanked by two circles, picturing the front and back
of the Great Seal of the United States of America. Before the adjournment
of the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776, a committee was appointed
to develop a seal for the United States. The committee was Benjamin
Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, three of the five men
who had drafted the Declaration of Independence. They were merely
the first committee, however. It took six years, the work of two
additional committees and a total of 14 men before a final version
of the Great Seal was approved. The final proposal, as accepted
by Congress, was submitted on June 13, 1782, by Charles Thompson,
Secretary of Congress. He brought together some of the recommendations
of the three committees, their consultants, and artists.
If you look at the left hand circle, you will see a Pyramid. This
pyramid was not a part of the proposals for the Great Seal until
the third committee, and it was not suggested by Jefferson, Franklin,
and Adams. Notice the face is lighted and the western side is dark.
Although there is no "official" explanation for the shading, some
interpret it as a reflection that our country was just beginning
and had not begun to explore the West or decided what we could do
for Western Civilization. The Pyramid is UN-capped, which may signify
that our country was not yet finished. The unfinished state of the
pyramid was intentional, and Charles Thompson, in his remarks to
congress about the symbolism on the Great Seal, said the pyramid
represented "Strength and Duration."
Inside the capstone you have the all-seeing eye, an ancient symbol
for divinity. Although Franklin's committee did not suggest a pyramid,
it did originate the suggestion of the eye. However, the term "the
all-seeing eye" was never officially used when describing it. The
Franklin committee wanted the seal to include a reflection of divine
providence and discussed a variety of themes including the Children
of Israel in the Wilderness. Some have suggested that the pyramid
and the eye are the result of Masonic influence, but that is not
supported by historical evidence. The claim that "the all seeing
eye" is uniquely Masonic first appeared in 1797, nearly 15 years
after the adoption of the symbolism by Congress. In addition, the
only member of the original committee who was a Mason was Franklin;
that committee's design was actually rejected by Congress, and none
of the final designers of the seal were Masons. The eye as representing
"the eye of providence" has a long history. It's more likely that
both the designers of the Great Seal and the Masons drew from that
history. "IN GOD WE TRUST" is on this currency.
The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored
our undertaking." It was Franklin's belief that one man couldn't
do it alone, but a group of men with the help of God could do anything.
The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, is interpreted
to mean "a new order for the world." At the base of the pyramid
is the Roman Numeral for 1776. If you look at the right-hand circle,
and check it carefully, you may notice that with only slight modifications
it is the Seal of the President of the United States. It also appears
on every National Cemetery in the United States, the Parade of Flags
Walkway at the Bushnell, Florida National Cemetery, and is the centerpiece
of most heroes' monuments.
On the Great Seal, the eagle faces the talon holding the olive branch.
The eagle on The Presidential Seal faced in the opposite direction-toward
the talon holding the arrows until 1945, when Harry Truman had it
redesigned to face the olive branch as well. No one knows for certain
what the symbols mean. But although there is no explanation of the
imagery of the eagle in the official records, most historical references
to the bald eagle indicate that it represents something of uniquely
American origin. One of the original design proposals for the Great
Seal featured a small crested white eagle, which is not uniquely
American, but this was later changed to the uniquely American Bald
Eagle. An unsupported interpretation of the inclusion of the Bald
Eagle is that it could also represent victory and independence,
because the eagle is not afraid of a storm, is strong and smart
enough to soar above it, and wears no material crown. Also, notice
the shield is unsupported. Charles Thompson said it denoted that
the United State of America ought to rely on their own virtue. The
shield consists of red and white stripes with a blue bar above that
represents Congress. The colors are taken from the American flag
and officially the red represents hardiness and valor, the white
represents purity and innocence, and the blue, vigilance, perseverance,
and justice. In the Eagle's beak you will read, "E PLURIBUS UNUM",
meaning "one nation from many people." Above the Eagle you have
thirteen stars representing the thirteen original colonies. Again,
we were coming together as one. Notice that the Eagle holds an olive
branch and arrows in his talons. The official meaning is that the
olive branch and the arrows "denote the power of peace and war."
As noted previously, the design shows the eagle facing the olive
branch. This was the opposite of the the Presidential Seal, which
showed the eagle facing the arrows, until President Harry Truman
had it redesigned to face the olive branch in 1945." Some feel that
the number 13 is an unlucky number. You will usually never see a
room numbered 13, or hotels or motels with a 13th floor. But the
significance of the number 13 in U.S. history is very strong. The
number 13 as used on many U.S. symbols (the stripes on the flag,
steps on the Pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle, 13 plumes of feathers
on each of the Eagle's wings, 13 bars on the shield, 13 leaves on
the olive branch, 13 fruits, and 13 arrows) all represent the beginning
of our country, as established by the thirteen colonies. But it
should also remind us of the importance of the "13th Amendment".
by Rob Rikoon, January 13, 2004 Excerpt
from Brill.com
Until 100 years ago, gold was the standard measure of value. Our
common use of such phrases as "good as gold," "solid as gold," and
"backed by gold," indicates that for centuries, governments, businesses
and ordinary people knew that behind every piece of paper was a
fixed amount of gold. The gold standard was defined by the purchasing
power of this set amount of gold. The amount of real, usable goods
that could be acquired for an ounce of gold was the stable value
for both gold and paper money, or currency, which were interchangeable.
Gold was the universal, determining commodity that established value
for the paper printed by governments. So, when a country extended
itself too far, its gold reserves diminished and its citizens eventually
demanded gold for their paper money. This cruel fact of life brought
successive generations of royalty, both despotic and benign, to
their knees. These century-old constraints dissolved during the
20th century. After World War II, the United States was the only
financial powerhouse left standing, and thus created a set exchange
ratio for gold to U.S. dollars. The industrialized world had far
outspent its reserves of gold in order to finance the two world
wars that ravaged Western civilization. The only drawback to the
system created at Bretton Woods in 1944 was that we had to have
gold to back up our promise to honor that arbitrary rate. Then the
pledge to redeem dollars with gold was withdrawn.
Since 1971, the "market" has set the value of gold versus all currencies
with widely fluctuating prices. Gold remained a haven only for investors
who were willing to speculate that it would eventually be worth
more than paper currency. Today, there is some natural expansion
in the world's gold supply because of mining, but it is a relatively
small amount. The supply of paper money, however, is easily manipulated.
When people believe the value of their paper money is being undercut
by irresponsible politicians or by central political events, gold's
value rises in reaction to uncertainty about the future. Paper money
can lose its purchasing power and since gold is pretty darn inconvenient
to cart around to use for buying groceries, many investors choose
to hold some of each.
In 1935, between the two wars, President Roosevelt declared private
ownership of gold illegal, thereby forcing Americans to convert
their gold to paper. The next year, he raised the price of gold
69 percent, devaluing the purchasing power of the dollars that U.S.
citizens had been forced to buy. Imagine the confusion and chaos
that ensued. From the 1930s until the 1970s, the U.S. government
set the price of gold. The oil-rich Middle Eastern nations and other
factors ended that reign, and so we entered into a market-driven
period of currency chaos. Capital flight is when a country's citizens
doubt the ability of their domestic money to retain its value, so
they look for the other nations' currencies to put their savings
During the 1980s and 1990s one country after another saw its paper
currency go down the tubes. Americans benefited from the chaos of
the last two decades of the 20th century as imports became cheaper
and other, less stable nations' money flowed into the U.S. dollar.
Gold went up and down in price but because the dollar could buy
more and more goods from overseas, no one really cared. The United
States' ability to continue to attract money, essentially loans,
from the rest of the world has been affected by our spending deficit
of $600 billion. To finance our activities worldwide, we have had
to increase the amount of paper money by a huge amount.
Between 1935 and 1971, the money supply -- the amount of paper currency
that the public holds plus savings and deposits at banks -- went
up 10 times. Meanwhile, the price of gold is not much higher than
it was 30 years ago. Eventually, something has to give. We can stop
printing money, produce more gold, or see the price of gold increase.
Rob Rikoon is a registered investment adviser
and CEO of Rikoon-Carret, 510 Don Gaspar Ave. He can be reached
at 989-3581 or via e- mail at rrikoon@aol.com. (C) 2004 The Santa
Fe New Mexican. via ProQuest Information and Learning Company; All
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