
The whole Tesla thing actually began
in the summer of 2002
when Rich and I were searching the web to learn more about the special
vacuum tubes in Rich's Laney amplifier. Somehow we got into this
connection about how a vacuum tube works like the universe and then
before we knew it, we were reading all about this amazing genius...
whah-la... here came Tesla!
Turns out Tesla
was like the "Man
Who Fell to Earth" (great sci-fi movie from the 70s starring
David Bowie)... a brilliant inventor, who gains immense celebrity,
is betrayed by the greed and fear of his benefactors... Tesla was
as great a human being as they come and just so happened to singlehandedly
invent the modern world we live in today: AC electricity, the induction
motor, tesla coil, radio,
tv, x-rays, vacuum tubes, the
loudspeaker (for both the telephone and amplifiers), ignition systems,
the speedometer, neon, fluorescent lights, radar, robots, particle
beams, microwaves, etc...over 700 patents worldwide and many more
that were never patented.
What was especially amazing was that Tesla's most secret inventions
were kept private. Many of his inventions had been stolen and he
often worked in complete seclusion and secrecy. In the context of
were very significant achievements that were greater than anything
Tesla ever released publicly: Wireless Electrical Energy harnessed
from Nature itself and his Electric Flying Machine. 60 years after
Tesla's death, we believe that the flying saucer is humanity's greatest
invention and continues to be hidden from the public for reasons
of National Security.
On a very personal note, I saw my first flying saucer, along with
20,000 other people, while living in Buenos Aires, Argentina in
1969... the same year we landed on the moon.
What is incredible about Tesla is that he was not only the world's
greatest inventor, but was also a very spiritual man, a great poet
and a visionary whose work is finally seeing the light of day after
100 years of obscurity... he certainly made the impossible, possible.
I am completely
in awe and tremendously inspired by the genius of Nikola Tesla and
hope our humble movie spreads the message that it is indeed time
TESLA is here!
--John Pritchard
an improvisational band, we are nuts about recording everytime we
play, because everytime we play is completely unique and full of
surprises at every turn.
Charlie is our hero and the one responsible for bringing his awesome
VS, multitrack, digital studio to rehearsal
every Tuesday night. He then mixes down the results as a rough cut
CD which he brings the following week. Needless to say, we have
many, many hours of cool music backed up on CD and the sound quality
is pristine.
Oh yeah...we also use ART Technology Pre-Amps with 12AX7 tubes to
warm up and "humanize" the digital signal going into the
Roland VS.
Adam has taken our favorite tracks and embellished them with his
tasty musical treats that takes the improv into a whole new dimension...
best of all, he really gets the "VyZ."
The final audio was mastered using Logic Audio to fatten up the
sub-bass and EQ the tracks with compression for movie-theatre viewing.
Editing the movie in Final
Cut Pro was a dream come true and the entire movie/dvd was
put together in less than three months on a G4
Powerbook with an external 120 gig harddrive. We especially
loved using "Livetype" for titles and "Soundtrack"
for sound design.

You can check out our production notes and scribbles
Special note to Filmmakers: Apple's new "Compressor"
software for mastering the video and audio tracks for DVD, surpasses
all previous expectations for DVD burning and rivals anything we
see from Hollywood DVDs at Blockbuster... we love Apple
Computer!!! ...see for yourself and order our NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM DVD...play it big and play it loud!

Harryhausen - MASTER
Ray's first film series was "Mother Goose"
1946 which
contained animations of "Little Miss Muffet,"
"Old Mother Hubbard," "Humpty Dumpty,"
and "Queen of Hearts." All four nursery rhymes
have been integrated into "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
to reinforce the "fairytale" aspect of Tesla's
life, as well as, to serve as punctuation points to help
the audience "Connect the DotZ."
a list of all Ray's movies here at Amazon.com
Check out his new book:
Harryhausen: An Animated Life
by Ray Harryhausen ,Tony Dalton. Who
among film fans and movie buffs cannot remember with fondness
the marvelously realistic dinosaurs, fantastic aliens,
and imaginative mythological creatures in 20 Millions
Miles to Earth, Jason and the Argonauts, One Million Years
B.C., and Clash of the Titans? Who cannot recall the battling
skeletons in The 7th Voyage of Sinbad or the chaos and
destruction wrought from the skies over our nation's capitol
in Earth vs. The Flying Saucers? These and other classic
movie moments represent the work of Ray Harryhausen, arguably
the greatest stop-motion animator in the history of motion
pictures. Inspired by Willis O'Brien's King Kong and schooled
by animation genius George Pal (The War of the Worlds,
Time Machine, The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm),
Harryhausen blazed new trails in special effects from
the 1950s to the 1980s. Now, in the animator's own words,
accompanied by hundreds of previously unpublished photos,
sketches, and storyboards from his personal archive, comes
Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life. Anecdotal, insightful,
illuminating, and honest, the book takes readers through
Harryhausen's entire career - film by film, triumph by
triumph - from the impact that watching The Lost World
and King Kong had on his life to creating the magnificent
creatures seen in Clash of the Titans, his last movie.
In words and images, it explains the basics of special
effects and stop-motion animation, along the way telling
tales of working with the film stars of the day - such
as Laurence Olivier, Maggie Smith, and Lionel Jeffries,
to name a few - and revealing how Raquel Welch was picked
up by a flying dinosaur in One Million Years B.C., why
the octopus in Mysterious Island was really only a sixtopus,
and what Madusa's blood was made from in Clash of the
Titans. * No motion picture animator has greater recognition
than Ray Harryhausen * The book explores in detail how
the animation models were made * It also offers a film-by-film
breakdown of the animation techniques used * And it includes
never before seen concept sketches and movie production
drawings from films such as The 7th Voyage of Sinbad,
Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans, and many
more * And provides frame-by-frame deconstructions of
how ground-breaking effects were achieved * Finally, it
contains previously unpublished behind-the-scenes photos
revealing Harryhausen's expert artistry, unique talent,
and production secrets * Foreword was written by Ray Bradbury,
legendary author of fantasy and science fiction.
is the animation pioneer who created Betty Boop and Popeye.
An amazing fact is that Fleischer actually used Tesla
as the inspiration for the "Mad Scientist" in
the Superman series and the Tesla character appeared in
several different episodes. For NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, a
short segment is taken from the "Magnetic Telescope"
cartoon where Superman actually starts-up a Tesla generator
and serves as a "live wire" electrical connection
to power the telescope and save the day. Checkout buyoutfootage.com
to purchase films and cartoons in the public domain.
a list of available Fleischer animation at Amazon.com
out the entire Superman series with 17 episodes on DVD:
Superman Cartoons (1941)
by Max Fleischer. These
cartoons--animated features--are astounding. They were
produced during WWII(1941-1943)and some of the themes
involve SUPERMAN assisting Allies in battle with the AXIS
powers. Max and Dave Fleischer are the driving force who
creatively superintended work of more than 600 artists
and technical specialists on cartoons costing a much as
$100,000 per feature! To this astonishing budget was brought
the radical technique of what is now termed ROTOSCOPE.
Ralph Bakshi perfected this combination of LIVE ACTION
and ANIMATION using it to film such underrated masterpieces
Fleischer Brothers were innovators of this startling mode
of film making that predates CGI fx by almost 40 years
and...with exception of Disney's epochal FANTASIA(1940)...employs
sophistication in "background" lay-out not seen for more
than another decade in seminal matte work of sci-fi classics,
THIS ISLAND EARTH(1955) and(Disney assisted)FORBIDDEN
PLANET(1956). These cartoons are technically amazing.
John Sutherland
John Sutherland had worked with Disney on Sleeping
Beauty and several other Disney productions before starting
his own production studio in 1945. Unlike Disney, Sutherland
produced commercial "public information" cartoons
that were literally some of the first industrial advertisements
in history: films to persuade, films to impress, propaganda
films for big business. "A
is for Atom"
was produced for General Electric (GE) and plays a feature
role in "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" since the footage
is used ironically to point out the negative side of GE
in relation to Tesla.
Download the "A
is for Atom" movie at the Prelinger Archive
following text was written by Rick Prelinger and copied
from the Internet
Archive site.
Although the "Atoms for Peace" campaign was formally launched
in 1957, corporate America began to promote peaceful uses
of atomic energy as early as the first few months after
Hiroshima. A
is for Atom,
an artifact of this effort, takes this highly loaded and
threatening issue straight to the public in an attempt
to "humanize" the figure of the atom. A Is For Atom speaks
of five atomic "giants" which "man has released from within
the atom's heart": the warrior and destroyer, the farmer,
the healer, the engineer and the research worker. Each
is pictured as a majestic, shimmering outline figure towering
over the earth. "But all are within man's power &
subject to his command," says the narrator reassuringly,
and our future depends "on man's wisdom, on his firmness
in the use of that power." General Electric, a long-time
manufacturer of electric appliances, power generation
plants, and nuclear weapon components, is staking a claim
here, asserting their interest in managing and exploiting
this new and bewildering technology. Its pitch: this is
powerful, frightening, near-apocalyptic technology, but
managed with firmness, it can be profitable and promising.
This "Trust us with the control of technology, and we'll
give you progress without end" pitch resembles what we've
seen in films like General Motors' To New Horizons (on
the Ephemeral Films disc). But the automobile, of course,
wasn't a weapon of mass destruction. In its first two
years of release, A
is for Atom
was seen by over seven million people in this version
and a shortened ten-minute theatrical cut. In 1953 it
won first prizes in both the Columbus (Ohio) and Turin
(Italy) Film Festivals, the Freedoms Foundation Award,
an "oscar" from the Cleveland Film Festival, and a Merit
Award from Scholastic Teacher. In 1954 it won first prize
in the Stamford Film Festival, a Golden Reel Award from
the American Film Assembly, and a second Grand Award from
the Venice Film Festival. The film was remade in the mid-sixties
and is still available for rental. Like other John Sutherland
films, A
is for Atom
presents a portentious message in a visually delightful
and often self-deprecating manner. "Element Town" and
its quirky inhabitants, including hyped-up Radium and
somnolent Lead, is unforgettable, and the animated chain
reaction manages to avoid any suggestion of nuclear fear.
PRELINGER FILM ARCHIVE - www.archive.org/movies/prelinger.php
The Prelinger Film Archive is one of America's greatest historical
treasures. It features thousands of old industrial, training, and
promotional films that would otherwise be lost in time. Rick Prelinger
has aptly called these motion pictures: ephemeral movies. We used
dozens of audio-visual clips from the Prelinger archive and are
most grateful for all the JFK footage. We were especially amazed
at finding the old restored print of a very young Louis Armstrong
performing the "Saints Come Marchin In" which nearly became
the official theme song of NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.

website is at the library
of congress. We were amazed to find out how prolific Thomas
Edison was in the early days of filmmaking. He most famously invented
the "Peep Show" and quite a number of bizarre films between
the 1890s and 1920. He was really quite unethical in his business
dealings with hired hands and fellow inventors. We feature Edison
as the primary nemesis of Tesla who did the most to assassinate
Tesla's reputation and label him a "Mad Scientist."

and NASA.gov
The HUBBLE site is produced by the NASA Space Telescope Institute.
It is just a phenomenal resource for scientifically accurate Space
imagery, high quality animations and professionally produced video...so
many inspiring photographs and visualizations of how the Universe
works. There are many black hole animation segments that are used
in NOVOS ORDO SECLORUM, as well as, tours of the Universe, planetary
map zooms, narrated video segments and one-of-a-kind photos.

The Structure (download

The StoryGrid - Film to Music (download
Original notes for the Connect the DotZ series (download
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