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Imagination: Soul's Bridge to Spirit

The author and artist of SoulScapes, Ron Mercier, says, "The purpose of Soulscapes is to introduce you to the story and the mandala as tools for accessing the Imagination and developing your unique symbolic consciousness, the matrix from which you will emerge as a compassionate and creatively productive person. As you read the stories and look at the mandalas, I encourage you to be open to your personal symbolic events, which will fuel and expand your awareness of what it means to be a human being." The target audience for the book is writers, poets, artists, and fans of the human soul and imagination.

Pritchard Digital Arts worked with Ron to bring his book of short stories, poetry, and Mandala paintings to the iPad. This highly creative multimedia eBook features the author/artist sharing his techniques and insights in over 90 minutes of video. An online eBook and print edition were also produced for people without an iPad. All the videos are available online and Pritchard Digital Arts is currently producing an online training program for Ron to teach students directly from the Cloud. The online training will be available in the fourth quarter of 2013.